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Platform of the Revolutionary Labor Party

"Revolutions and revolutionary wars are inevitable in class society, and without them it is impossible to accomplish any leap in social development and to overthrow the reactionary ruling classes and therefore impossible for the people to win political power. "
- Mao Tse Tung “On Contradiction,” (August1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 344.
Exploitation of Labor

The Revolutionary Labor Party holds the exploitation of the working class to be unjust. The Revolutionary Labor Party holds that labor is entitled to all that it creates. The exploitation of workers is a problem that is inherent to the capitalist mode of production. The capitalist mode of production is distinguished by the private ownership of the means of production and distribution. Because the means of production (factories, farmlands, offices etc.) are not common ownership those who do not hold ownership of the means of production, the working class, must sell their labor power to those who own the means of production, the capitalist class or give up their existence. When the working person makes a product the value of the product will always be higher than the wage of the worker. This means that the worker put more value into the product than they are getting.

Defending Unions

We as a Socialist Party activity support Working People's Unions, we seek that working members of the party join a Union and don't act as a free rider in their job that undermines people who rely on Unions to be protected. We support any worker's action such as Strikes, Walk outs, and Sits in's in order to secure worker's rights and benefits in our communities.


Homelessness to the Revolutionary Labor Party is a major issue and a key base for the platform, the Party views Housing as a basic human right and believes no one should ever be homeless. Seeing as we are a Party existing outside of Bourgeois Politics we plan on raising donations for homeless shelters and support our members volunteering to build homes, assisting homeless individuals in their daily lives through either getting them help with a Psychiatric Hospital if they are mentally ill like a number of Homeless individuals that have nowhere to go, if the individual isn't mentally ill we support members trying to assist homeless individuals gaining employment so they can gain housing.


The Revolutionary Labor Party sees Ecological Problems as a major threat to the world and its people, yet we realize the only way to remove these problems is through Central Planning and removing Market externalities that prevent proper fixes for the sake of profit. In one's own community we support individuals recycling, reducing their carbon footprint and use of disposable goods, and reusing goods as much as possible.   


Imperialism is part of the Capitalist mode of production, therefore, our party is against Imperialism, we as a party support all people fighting against Imperialism, Imperialism is the monopoly stage of Capitalism, the party stance of Imperialism is Anti-Imperialism, we as a Marxist party are against Imperialism, the United States sadly has contributed to Imperialism with outsourcing jobs to China, invading nations under false premise and setting up puppet governments in these nations. We support all in the struggle against Imperialism.

“Imperialism in its’ very essence is what turns men into beasts” -Che Guevara

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