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Why does Iran act as it does?

Iran is questioned by all major countries in the modern day, why does Iran act in such a hostile way to the West, many ask, the answer is complex, Iran was a country that was closely aligned to the west and is most of the time referred to as a puppet of the West, long ago Iran was ruled by a Shah, a king, the Shah of Iran in modern day has been a tool of Imperialism to get into Iran, in 1906 the Shah had to face a constitutional crisis and a revolution which lead to a constitutional monarchy, the Russians tried to stop this, due to the Russian influence in northern Iran, this directly contradicted Russia’s interests in the region, the Shah would abdicate and put his son in power, who would later be coup d'etat by the Pro-West Reza Shah, Reza Shah would be a tool of economic Imperialism supplying oil to the West, until he was removed from power, his son Reza Shah Pahlavi was then put into power, he would help the west once again and be a tool for economic Imperialism, supplying oil, this is when Mohammed Mossadegh 1951 until 1953 was elected as prime minister, he wished to Nationalize the oil industry and make Iran a power once again he was rumored to also be friendly with the Tudeh Party, which was once again in direct contradiction to the West's interests, this government was coup d'etat, seeing the end to the young Iranian democracy, this inevitably lead to the Islamic revolution of 1979, where the Shah was overthrown and Ayatollah Khomeini was put to power, promising some of what Mossadegh said, and promising an anti-west policy, Iran was now an Islamic Republic. Then the Iran-Iraq war occurred the West supplied both sides in the war where Kurds and Persians alike were massacred, just to supply the Contra’s, which is a whole different story, the question why does Iran hate the United States is complex, but when told it is simple to say why, this being said is Iran in the wrong? No, not at all like all nations Iran has the right to self determination and has the right to defend from Imperialists, while we as leftists do not support the reactionary views of the Iranian government we should support their people, and countries right to self-determination, Iranians are great people, however the Western media will make people view them as mindless Islamic terrorists, which is far from the truth.

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